Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Data That I Didn't Enter Yesterday and What Happened Today....

So, Ms.Minn told me today that I should be testing two test tubes. Great. So now I'll be taking 20 minutes alone of research to test my control and 2 hour test tubes, and another 10 minutes at the end of the day for 7 hours. Thankfully, yesterday I tested two just in case. I'm afraid that the Elodea that are exposed to UV light are dying..... and I don't know what to do, seeing that I need 8 more points of data. This should be fun.
Anyway, here's the data from yesterday and what I have today so far.

Yesterday, 2/16/10
2 hour- Test Tube 1: 18%
             Test Tube 2: 17%

Control- T.T 1: 20%
              T.T 2: 20%

7 hour- T.T 1: 10%
             T.T 2: 9%

And what I have so far from today, 2/17/09

2 hour- T.T 1: 15%
            T.T 1: 16%

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