Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Data 2/24/10

2 hour:

#2- 2%

#1- 1%


#1- 28%
#2- 39%

#2- 3%
#1- 4%

Continuation of Yesterday's Data

2 hour:
#1- 1%
Elodea is dead or closed to dying: almost completely crumpled to the bottom of the test tube

#2- 2%
Water is not quite as murky as in the first test tube but similar

7 hour:
#1- 5%?
Completely crumpled to the bottom of test tube- water isn't murky but Elodea is brown and weak

7 hr. #2- 3%

picture of 7 hour #1:

Picture of 2 hour #1: Water is murky and foggy


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today's and Friday's Data

CONTROL: #2- 38%
CONTROL: #1- 32%

Friday's Data... as taken by Emma:
# 1 control 4%
# 2 control 21%
#1 2hr 1%
#2 2hr 1%

#1: 5% and #2: 6%

Monday, February 22, 2010

7 hour

#1: Oddly..... 6%
#2: withered and smells TERRIBLE

Today's Data 2/22/10

On Friday, I was sick and unable to take data. So, Emma (I'm sharing a box with her) agreed to take data for me.
I'll post Friday's data later.
Here's my data from today:

2 hour:
#1- 7%
#2- 4% (uh oh.)

#1: 14%
#2: 28%

7 hour:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today's Data

2 hour-
test tube 1: 21%
test tube 2: (collapsed at bottom- producing less oxygen) 13%
test tube 2: COLLAPSED

test tube #1: 24%
test tube #2: 33%

7 hour: elodea is MUCH lighter. 
Looking the way I wanted it to- 
test tube 1: 6% (WOW.) leaves are falling off and looks droopier (picture below)

test tube 2: 2% (will die soon?)
 Smells TERRIBLE- light it's rotting . much lighter and browning on the bottom 
waxy film on top- parafilm possibly melting into it (picture below)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Data That I Didn't Enter Yesterday and What Happened Today....

So, Ms.Minn told me today that I should be testing two test tubes. Great. So now I'll be taking 20 minutes alone of research to test my control and 2 hour test tubes, and another 10 minutes at the end of the day for 7 hours. Thankfully, yesterday I tested two just in case. I'm afraid that the Elodea that are exposed to UV light are dying..... and I don't know what to do, seeing that I need 8 more points of data. This should be fun.
Anyway, here's the data from yesterday and what I have today so far.

Yesterday, 2/16/10
2 hour- Test Tube 1: 18%
             Test Tube 2: 17%

Control- T.T 1: 20%
              T.T 2: 20%

7 hour- T.T 1: 10%
             T.T 2: 9%

And what I have so far from today, 2/17/09

2 hour- T.T 1: 15%
            T.T 1: 16%

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blog Check #2

You have nice pictures of your set up and the probes.  Try to post everyday.  There were some days missing before the snow days and also in the week before that.
Grade: 4/5

What's Happened Since My Last Post

Since my last post, we had a 6 day weekend. We had two snowdays, Wednesday and Thursday, and had Friday through Monday off. Today, Tuesday, February 16th, 2010. I restarted taking my data, because I decided that my plants went too long without UV light. My Elodea, each 6 1/2 inches in length, are beginning to brown on the corners of the leaves. I also decided that instead of measuring the oxygen production of two test tubes of Elodea, I'll only be measuring one as measuring both is too time  consuming. But, I will still be subjecting the other test tubes to UV light just in case the Elodea that I'm using dies. Today, I measured my control, and my two and seven hour Elodea.
Here's my data:

2 Hour: 18% oxygen
7 Hour: 10% oxygen
Control: 20% oxygen

I've noticed that the water in my test tube evaporates, so I have begun placing parafilm, a waxy type of stretchy plastic, over the top of the test tube. When I am not testing the oxygen production of my Elodea, they are kept under their separate boxes, except for the control which is always out on the table.

Friday, February 5, 2010

What I did in Class Yesterday and Today + a Picture Gallery of my Materials

My 3 test tube racks: 1 without UV light, 1 with UV light for 7 hours, and another with UV light for 2 hours

Box under which my Elodea will be exposed for 7 hours.

Box under which my Elodea will be exposed for 2 hours.

My dissolved oxygen sensor.

  Yesterday in class I labeled 8 test tubes of water for my Elodea. Each of my strands of Elodea are approximately 6 1/4 inches long. The water in each tube just barely skims the top of the Elodea. I labeled 4 test tubes which will be exposed to UV light- two for 2 hours, and two for 7 hours. I labeled another 4 test tubes of Elodea which will not be exposed to UV light.
I could not begin my experiment today in class because I made a mistake yesterday. I labeled and filled test tubes 7 and 8 (without UV) with water. They were not necessary since they won't be exposed, so I really only need two without UV. Both to be tested, to make sure that I get the same result. Nevertheless, I'll be using them.
Also yesterday, I learned about using a dissolved oxygen sensor. Ms.Minn tested the dissolved oxygen in a container of water, and it tested 30% oxygen.
I am getting ready to put my test tubes of de-chlorinated water and Elodea under the box. Above are some pictures of my materials that I took today.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Updates and What I Did In Class Today

Since the last time I posted, I have gotten the following done:

I have seen my Elodea and determined that I will be putting one strand of Elodea (about 5 in. long) in a test tube, and will be using two test tubes per box. Each box will have a UV light in it which will be exposed for 2 hours, or 7 hours. So, in box 2H (two hours) I will have a test tube rack holding two test tubes of Elodea. In box 7H (seven hours) I will have another test tube rack also containing two test tubes of Elodea. The lamp in each box will be turned on at 7:50 in the morning, 2H being turned off and exposed to regular sunlight for the Elodea to continue photosynthesis and 7H being turned off at 2:50 in the afternoon and exposed to regular sunlight.
I'm not sure yet about the regular sunlight- can they use photosynthesis with UV light instead of regular light? Will they die faster? These are important questions.
I will be sharing these two boxes with Emma Hart. Her experiment will not interfere with mine. We plan to begin our experiment in two days. Today in class, we prepared our two cardboard boxes for our Elodea by taping down the insides, and I worked on my planning sheet.

Planning Sheet- First Draft

I just handed my experimental design in to Here it is:

Halle Mette

Planning Sheet

Purpose (Question I am trying to answer): How do different amounts of UV radiation exposure affect the oxygen production of Elodea?

Hypothesis/Prediction: If the Elodea is affected by UV radiation, then it will produce less oxygen until the point of decomposition.

            -2 115 Volt UV lights
            -4 test tubes
            -2 test tube racks
-1 box with a height of 44.45 centimeters, a depth of 34.925 centimeters and a width of 50.8 centimeters
-1 box with a height of 34.29 centimeters, a depth of 33.655 centimeters and a width of 45.085 centimeters
-Duct tape
            -4 strands of Elodea (one for each test tube)

Independent Variable (What I will manipulate):
Amount of time that the specific Elodea are under the UV lamp (some will be under lamp for two hours, some for seven)

Controlled Variables (What I will keep the same):
            -Temperature in box
            -Times that I will turn lights on and off
-Elodea in each box (won’t switch strands because the Elodea in each box gets a different amount of light than the other)
-Water in each test tube
-Type of Elodea in each test tube
-UV light exposing Elodea to UV radiation

Dependent Variable (What I will measure):
Dissolved oxygen production of Elodea

1.     Turn on the UV light in each box at 7:50 A.M
2.     At 9:50 A.M, turn off the 2H box lamp
3.     Record observations and data on the two Elodea strands in box 2H
4.     Place the two test tubes of Elodea from box 2H in direct sunlight (for photosynthesis)
5.     At 2:50 P.M, turn off the 7H box lamp
6.     Record observations and data on the two Elodea strands in box 2H
7.     Place the two test tubes of Elodea from box 7H in direct sunlight (for photosynthesis)
8.     Continue observations each day (excluding weekends) for amount of time data will be collected

Observations and data:
(Write what you will observe and what data you will collect)
            -Amount of dissolved oxygen produced
            -Pigment of Elodea leaves and stem
            -Signs of Elodea dying
                        -Leaves browning
                        -Leaves crumpling
                        -Stem or leaves becoming limp

<-- My Data Table