I just handed my experimental design in to turnitin.com. Here it is:
Halle Mette
Planning Sheet
Purpose (Question I am trying to answer): How do different amounts of UV radiation exposure affect the oxygen production of Elodea?
Hypothesis/Prediction: If the Elodea is affected by UV radiation, then it will produce less oxygen until the point of decomposition.
-2 115 Volt UV lights
-4 test tubes
-2 test tube racks
-1 box with a height of 44.45 centimeters, a depth of 34.925 centimeters and a width of 50.8 centimeters
-1 box with a height of 34.29 centimeters, a depth of 33.655 centimeters and a width of 45.085 centimeters
-Duct tape
-4 strands of Elodea (one for each test tube)
Independent Variable (What I will manipulate):
Amount of time that the specific Elodea are under the UV lamp (some will be under lamp for two hours, some for seven)
Controlled Variables (What I will keep the same):
-Temperature in box
-Times that I will turn lights on and off
-Elodea in each box (won’t switch strands because the Elodea in each box gets a different amount of light than the other)
-Water in each test tube
-Type of Elodea in each test tube
-UV light exposing Elodea to UV radiation
Dependent Variable (What I will measure):
Dissolved oxygen production of Elodea
1. Turn on the UV light in each box at 7:50 A.M
2. At 9:50 A.M, turn off the 2H box lamp
3. Record observations and data on the two Elodea strands in box 2H
4. Place the two test tubes of Elodea from box 2H in direct sunlight (for photosynthesis)
5. At 2:50 P.M, turn off the 7H box lamp
6. Record observations and data on the two Elodea strands in box 2H
7. Place the two test tubes of Elodea from box 7H in direct sunlight (for photosynthesis)
8. Continue observations each day (excluding weekends) for amount of time data will be collected
Observations and data:
(Write what you will observe and what data you will collect)
-Amount of dissolved oxygen produced
-Pigment of Elodea leaves and stem
-Signs of Elodea dying
-Leaves browning
-Leaves crumpling
-Stem or leaves becoming limp
<-- My Data Table