Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thoughts/Advice on the Research Paper...

Though I haven't finished my paper quite yet, I'm working on my conclusion. In my opinion, the conclusion is one of the most difficult parts of the paper. I have all of the research that I'll be putting into my body paragraphs, and am having trouble organizing the most important information into some kind of a summary for my conclusion.

Anyway, advice: stay organized! I'm sure a lot of people have said this already, but staying organized is an essential part of this project. To stay organized, I keep all of my handouts from our green folder in a binder. Each individual handout is in a clear plastic folder of it's own. Staying organized can also include constantly posting to your blog. By posting what you do every day and what you need to do, you can look back on what you've written in order to have a goal for a class period set. Outlines, like one for the research paper, are also useful.

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